Party Crasher (14)Full unit name: Party Crasher
Last updated: 21.10.2024 12:44:08
Navigation (2)
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Nar Shaddaa
Nar Shaddaa
Events: Hunt for Nok Drayen's Treasure
Hunt for Nok Drayen's Treasure
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Known Facts (7)
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Kaleesh Warrior
    Halt, you Hutt-slaying scum! The Cartel demands that you pay for your crimes!
    No words, bone-lizard. Just fight.
    Kaleesh Warrior
    Listen to the Wookiee boast of his murders! This monster has slaughtered entire Hutt clans, but his reign of terror ends! Before he dies, he will know true fear! We Kaleesh warriors swear it by our blood!
    That Wookiee's not afraid of you, pal.
    Kaleesh Warrior
    Keep back, you idiot! That beast will tear your head off, just like he did to Nor'dro the Fearless! His claws are stained with the entrails of many! His bloodlust can't be satisfied!
    Corso Riggs
    Maybe we should stay outta this, Captain. That three-meter fur ball looks pretty fierce.
    Don't fear. You're not my enemy.
    Kaleesh Warrior
    Warriors! Kill these scum!
  • Bounty Hunter, Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Bowdaar
  • Voidhound's Followers killed a number of Kaleesh Pure Blood Warriors
  • Bowdaar killed a number of Kaleesh Pure Blood Warriors
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Corso Riggs
    Whoa, Captain. Don't get so close. Thing's liable to tear your arms off and beat you to death with them.
    There's nothing to be afraid of.
    Corso Riggs
    Tell that to the reptiles littering the floor.
    That was a good fight. Bowdaar honors you. I fought bone-lizards before. Their smell is worse than their bite.
    What's your story, Bowdaar?
    I fight to pay debts. The Hutt chooses my enemies until the debt is paid.
    Wookiee! Get back to your cage. I'll call you again when I want you.
    I'm going now. Goodbye.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Bowdaar, Drooga
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    What have you done, fool? You ruined everything! The Wookiee fights alone, or there's no drama!
    Drama? What do you mean, "drama"?
    You spoiled my pre-meal entertainment, you ignorant, half-wit spacer!
    I don't believe in unfair fights.
    Did I ask what you believe? This is my party, idiot! I decide what is fair! This was not your fight! You weren't even invited to my party! I paid for the best Kaleesh warriors on Nar Shaddaa to face my adorable pet Wookiee. This colossal battle was to whet the appetite, and I am unsatisfied! What do you have to say for yourself?
    Life's full of disappointments, roly-poly.
    How dare you insult me! I would feed you to my gundark, but I'm starving it for a special occasion. A shame the fight ended so quickly. Those Kaleesh were better actors than warriors. I'm glad I don't have to pay them. And you, spacer, I know why you've come. You waste your time. I don't need your beast anymore!
    You made a deal, Drooga.
    No! I made an offer. And now I take back that offer.
    I'm sure someone else will want this rare specimen.
    But another buyer won't have that starship engine you desire. I only wanted your male shanjaru to complete a set. But thieves stole my female shanjaru! If I can't have a complete set, I don't want that male you brought. Go away!
    Let's negotiate.
    No deals! The eighteenth course is about to be served! If you have more words, say them to my servant Ga'ram. Maybe he'll take pity and throw you some scraps.
  • Drooga, Voidhound, Corso Riggs
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    We overheard your conversation with the Great Feastmaster. Drooga can be most fickle. You have our deepest sympathies, we are sure.
    Is there anything "we" can do about it?
    If you seek to conclude your business with Drooga, use his fickle nature to your advantage. Returning Drooga's female beast would rekindle his interest in yours. We have observed the Great Feastmaster in past dealings. Drooga is always most captivated by what is easily at hand.
    I don't even know what happened. How am I supposed to find this thing?
    Look here. This holorecording was left by the thieves who stole Drooga's female shanjaru. It may interest you....
    When will the Hutts learn that nature's creatures are not for their sick entertainment? So long as innocent beasts are victimized by the decadent slave masters of Nar Shaddaa, we will fight! Freedom for all life!
    The woman continues like this for another three hours. We use her recording to lull ourselves to sleep at night.
    She's the thief? That's who stole Drooga's beast?
    The woman is a wealthy Republic Senator's daughter. She violently opposes all who "abuse" wild creatures. She spends her father's wealth hiring mercenaries to fight her war. They maintain a base nearby.
    Sounds like I should give these mercenaries a visit. Maybe I'll find that woman or the creature she stole at the mercenary base?
    We are sure we do not know, but perhaps those mercenaries do. Should you discover any useful leads, bring them to us. We will happily assist your search.
    Drooga (from afar)
    Ga'ram! Move my pleasure barge! Take our guests someplace interesting!
    We will dock this pleasure barge at these coordinates. Find us there. Good hunting...
  • Ga'ram, Voidhound, Corso Riggs
  • Characters interacted with each other (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    I can't believe what you did to those Kaleesh. You're the bravest person I've ever met. This party has been a lot more exciting since you walked in. My name's Azalie. My father owns a corporation on Corellia. He and Drooga are partners.
    What kind of business are they in?
    Something to do with starships, I think? All I know is, father needed to be here. Father asked me to pay my respects to Drooga. This is my first time here. I thought Nar Shaddaa would be more glamorous. I haven't met anyone I'd consider pleasant company until now. I hope I see you again later.
  • Voidhound, Corso Riggs, Azalie
The event took place during the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
on the planet Nar Shaddaa
Nar Shaddaa
, as part of Voidhound
Major Characters
's quest
Hunt for Nok Drayen's Treasure
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
to find Nok Drayen
Nok Drayen
Supporting Characters
's treasure.
After receiving a lead
Nar Shaddaa Landing
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
that Drooga
Minor Characters (TOR)
's pleasure barge
Pleasure Barge
Ground Vehicle
was heading to the Nikto Sector, Voidhound and Riggs
Corso Riggs
Supporting Characters
followed it.
The duo made their way to the dock where Drooga's barge was moored, and witnessed a heated discussion between a Wookiee
Sentient Species
and a group of armored Kaleesh
Sentient Species
warriors on the deck. The duo intervened just before the discussion turned into a fight. Voidhound and Riggs joined the fray and fought alongside the Wookiee, and within moments, all of their enemies were dead.
After the Wookiee slave named Bowdaar
Supporting Characters
was taken to his cell by Gamorrean
Sentient Species
handlers, the duo spoke with Drooga, who was also on deck and witnessed the fight. It turned out that Drooga had paid the Kaleesh to stage the battle as a way to entertain Drooga's guests between courses. When Voidhound told the Hutt why they had come, Dorga replied that he had called off the deal because he needed male Shanjaru
to complete the set, but thieves had stolen his female Shanjaru. Shrugging off Voidhound's anger, Doorga advised the duo to speak with his servant, Ga'ram
Minor Characters (TOR)
Ga'ram explained that the male Shanjaru had been stolen by a group led by the daughter of a wealthy Republic senator who was fighting for the rights of wild creatures. He indicated that Druga might renew the deal if Voidhound returned the female Shanjaru. He added that the thieves were mercenaries
who had a base nearby, and promised to help return the Shanjaru to Druga. Druga ordered Ga'ram to prepare the barge for departure, and the duo disembarked.
See also
Related organizations
Hutt CartelStructureCharactersDroogaGa'ramGround vehicles, structures and equipmentPleasure BargeDrooga's Pleasure BargeLight Manned Turret2Sentient speciesHuttDroogaTwi'lekGa'ramGamorreanDrooga's Beast Handlers (Beastmaster)WeequayWeequay Cartel Guards (Guard)RolesBeastmasterDrooga's Beast HandlersGuardWeequay Cartel GuardsWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL5M RifleDrooga's Beast Handlers - L5.1.2 RiflesWeequay Cartel Guards - L5.1.2 RiflesHolotransmitterGa'ramGroup AssignmentsDrooga's Pleasure BargePleasure Barge
Bounty HunterStructureSentient speciesKaleeshKaleesh Pure Blood Warriors (6)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsL3.1.2 RifleKaleesh Warriors Leader, AMM: EX AmmoKaleesh Pure BloodsArmorBH Medium Armor A01.C02Kaleesh Pure Blood WarriorsRelationsWorked for Drooga
Voidhound's FollowersStructureCharactersVoidhound (Leader)Corso RiggsRolesLeaderVoidhoundRelationsWorked in partnership with Risha Drayen
Related units, characters and other technologies
VoidhoundMembershipVoidhound's FollowersLeaderSmuggler
BowdaarWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL3 ElectrobladeRelationsWas owned by Drooga
Risha DrayenRelationsWorked in partnership with Voidhound's Followers
Corso RiggsMembershipVoidhound's Followers
AzalieWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsH9.2.3 Heavy Blaster
DroogaMembershipHutt CartelRelationsEmployed Ga'ram as an aideEmployed Kaleesh Pure Blood WarriorsOwned Bowdaar
Ga'ramMembershipHutt CartelWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsHolotransmitterRelationsWorked as an aide for Drooga
Pleasure BargeUsed byHutt CartelDrooga's Pleasure Barge
Light Manned TurretUsed byHutt Cartel2
GamorreanWere among members ofHutt CartelDrooga's Beast Handlers (Beastmaster)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsL5M RifleDrooga's Beast Handlers - L5.1.2 Rifles
HuttWere among members ofHutt CartelDrooga
KaleeshWere among members ofBounty HunterKaleesh Pure Blood Warriors (6)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsL3.1.2 RifleKaleesh Warriors Leader, AMM: EX AmmoKaleesh Pure BloodsArmorBH Medium Armor A01.C02Kaleesh Pure Blood Warriors
Twi'lekWere among members ofHutt CartelGa'ram
WeequayWere among members ofHutt CartelWeequay Cartel Guards (Guard)Weapons and EquipmentWeaponsL5M RifleWeequay Cartel Guards - L5.1.2 Rifles
LeaderMembershipVoidhound's FollowersVoidhound
GuardMembershipHutt CartelWeequay Cartel Guards
BeastmasterMembershipHutt CartelDrooga's Beast Handlers
Complete list

Full unit name: Party Crasher Last updated: 21.10.2024 12:44:08